Thursday, April 30, 2009

This is quite an interesting email I got. For all of my post-op friends (or anyone for that matter) it's VERY important to get your 64oz in EVERY day :)


The following will probably amaze and startle you.

One glass of water shuts down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University study.

Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen.

Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

Are you drinking the amount of water you should every day?

The "Easy Way Out"

I'm not much of a writer, but this is what I've got!
It's been a while since I've posted because I've been contimplating some things people have "implied" about WLS. I do believe that the majority of people who imply such feelings on WLS are obviously ignorant and haven't done thier homework. The truth of that matter is that obesiety is a disease. Can it be controlled in some cases? Sure. But the long term results tend to just get worse. If you've struggled with weight, you know what I'm talking about. When you have 120-175lbs to lose, it's very overwhelming and depressing. I've lost a little over half of my excess weight (90lbs) since my bypass and have never felt better.
Answer this, if an alcoholic or drug addict needs help, why is the american population in support of rehab? Because it's become socially acceptable and applauded when someone who is suffering from addiction and decides to accept "help" for it. So, why isn't WLS socially accepted when a morbidly obese person decides to get "help" with losing weight? People tend to be ignorant at what they don't know. Losing weight has been hard for me. Keeping it off has been harder than any breakup, quitting smoking, moving away from friends/family, losing a loved one or anything else I've ever done in my life. So I accepted help as an alcoholic or drug addict who is ready for help would. Don't judge me for taking the steps to admitting I had a problem and then accepting the help.
It's not easy when you take that ONE extra bite and it literally gets stuck in your esophogus because there's no more room in your new "pouch". The feeling of being absolutely STUFFED and the immense pressure in your chest is not easy. Not being able to drink while you eat, making sure to get ALL of your vitamins and water in every day when you are extremely FULL, remembering to eat protein first, 3 bites of protein, 1 bite of fruit, 3 bites of protein, 1 bite of veggies, chewing to applesauce consistancy, understanding what your body is telling you, knowing the difference of "satisfied" versus "full". These are all NOT easy things when your new stomach can hold the equivelant of a 1/2 of a cup at a time.
When you learn to eat a certain way, the way mom/dad taught you, it's not easy to change that after 25+ years. What about all of the changes your body is going through because of the rapid weight loss? I often contimplate how I will look if I lose the weight, how will people react, how will I feel about myself, will I be more active, what about fatigue, mobility, etc... All of the answers are positive so far. That's after 6 months post-op. I went to the DR and had my blood tested and am more healthy now than I've EVER been.
So, anyone who hasn't walked a day in a WLS patients shoes and haven't done your research, shut up with your ignorant and negative comments. This has been the best damn thing that I've done for myself. Many WLS patients I've talked to say the same thing. Are there bad stories from some who didn't succeed or had lots of problems? Of course. But, in my opinion, this is a psychological surgery. If you aren't ready, you won't succeed. I prepared for this surgery for a year and a half. Sleep studies, monthly doctor appointments, supervised diets, supervised exercise regimins, seminars, psychological evaluations, etc... I was determined to make my health better. Judge me if you will, but what is your weakness?? Just because mine was different than yours, doesn't give you the right to judge me. Walk a day in my shoes...

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Today would be one of the reasons NOT to eat certain foods. After having my intestines and stomach re-routed, some foods don't do so well going down.... I had gastric bypass back in Nov. 2008. I've been fine until tonight. Yes... I had to throw up! I haven't thrown up since my 2nd month until tonight. After not eating all day, I decided I needed to eat. It was one of those shakey/dizzy feelings. I had to eat right then and there! So, much to my dismay I will add, we decided to eat at a "fast food" chinese place. Now, I like thier Mandarine chicken as well as their chicken & green beans, but tonight, they didn't like me. Four bites was all it took for me... I had to stop while my husband finished. I didn't feel right. It wasn't an "I over ate" feeling, but almost a painful feeling. Hard to describe it. I sat and waited, hoping it would pass like it usually does, but it never did go away. I took my food to go so I could eat it later and we left. Not 5 minutes later I had to have DJ pull over. There I sat, like someone in a drunken stooper, vomiting on the side of the road!! It never ceases to amaze me how much one can up-chuck with a stomach about 1cup in size. Hmmm... point to ponder. Now that it's all out and has been a couple of hours, I'm eating cottage cheese. It's soft and I know I can tolerate it. I spiced it up with some avocado with garlic salt and pepper. YUM! Hit's the spot :)

This weekend we packed up the beach bag, grabbed my book, crossword puzzles, and some post-op friendly snacks my friend taught me how to make. :) Thanks Michelle :) I lathered up the kids with SPF 60 when my phone rang, I answered it and forgot to lather myself up in SPF. Here I sit, burnt! Now some people would say it's my own fault, but I say it's my own stupidity! How does one forget to put their SFP on?? The next question is, since I'm going to NE on Thursday, will it be gone by then or peeling?? This, my friends, is what I'm afraid of... I have been making sure I have lots of aloe and lotion handy. I don't want to peel for Sherry's wedding. Especially since I'm the only bridesmaid. Im trying to be optomistic by telling myself that I'll at least have SOME color!

Tomorrow the husband has to go to several places to find a job. In this economy, I'm really trying to believe that God has a plan. He has closed one door and we will await the opening of the next. Keep the faith, right?! EVERYTHING happens for a reason. I truly believe that and know that it will all work out the way it's supposed to.

Zeus man (DOG) had an upset stomach last night. Justin wanted Zeus to sleep with him and closed the door so he couldn't get out. In the middle of the night, when Zeus was trying to wake him up, Justin shoo'd him away and rolled over. Zeus couldn't wait any longer. He suffered from IBS and had to release. The smell of it sure didn't make Justin just roll over and shoo Zeus away!! He was up and waking his Dad up to help him clean it up. Poor Zeus has a chaffed nose from trying to poke it under the door for someone else's attention. Justin has decided to no longer have Zeus sleep in his room with the door shut! Never a dull moment here!
Until next time... :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

It's 6AM and after just about NO sleep last night, I must get up and get going for the day. The husband says he is going to do whatever he can to find a job and in the meantime, he'll work on unemployment. Unfortunately, we live in a state that has the ABSOLUTE worst unemployment benefits! Guess that's what makes someone get their rear in gear about getting a job!

I have a DR appointment this morning. Have to go get some blood taken. I've been feeling a bit out of sorts the last week. Getting dizzy spells and confused. Need to figure out what that's all about...

It's Friday! Enjoy the weekend. I'll be back on with more later. :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm wondering what posessed me to have enough courage to display myself "online." However... this IS 2009, right?! So, here goes:

Today was quite an interesting day. I got news that the husband got laid off. I couldn't help but be utterly pissed off about the situation. However, I got in contact with a dear friend I had lost contact with. It was so wonderful to hear from her and about what's new in her life. I sincerely enjoyed our conversation. But, now that the "chat" is over with her, here come all of the anxieties of the "WHAT NOW?" questions. That's putting it nicely! In this economy, where does one find a job? I have to believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason and there's a plan about to unfold. Can't help but hope for the best, but prepare for the worst, right?!

I'm going to NE next week to be the maid of honor in my girlfriends wedding! In a world where the internet and social networking websites have taken over the use of a telephone call or perhaps a letter in the mail, I must say that I too have jumped on the cyber band wagon! Middle school was filled with hormones and swapping of friends on a monthly basis. Sherry & I were inseperable. Then she switched schools and there I was... alone. There she was... alone. Now, because of the "cyber world" our worlds have collided once again! It just so happened that she's ready for holy matrimony and needed a maid of honor. I honoredly accepted her offer! So off to another adventure!

The kids are coming over tomorrow night for the weekend. I will be busy with the laundry, packing, cleaning and planning meals for the next week. It's supposed to be warm (90) this weekend. I think I will take a break and go with the family to the pool. I also will take the furry friends to the green belt and let them RUN. Oh, how to make them all happy but do something for myself too. :) That's the story of my life!
I'll keep you posted with "more on me" soon...