Thursday, June 18, 2009

Birthday!! 6/17/09

So this morning I woke up to a big kiss from the hubby and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY wish! He actually remembered :) Here we are ready to start the day.

He's going to take me to work today because I'm only working a half day. He says there's a special day planned for me. While I'm at work for the morning he is going to run a couple of errands and whatever else it is that he feels ever so inclined to do! LOL. I think he stopped at the library and surfed the net. I'm not really sure!!
When I got done getting ready this morning, I came downstairs to find a nice card sticking out of the top of my purse! He knew if it was there, I wouldn't miss it. He knows me all too well. I have tunnel vision and am oblivious to everthing other than what's on my mind! HAHA... That's just me. Anyway, I open the card, and HOW beautiful! It was nice and shiny with lots of glitter and the words were heartfeldt. I'm reminded all of the time why I LOVE this man! He's such a gift to me :) So, here's a pic of it.
The picture certainly don't do it justice, but it was VERY nice. I really loved it!

I got to work and started my day. Amanda (co-worker) gave me a gift certificate to Kohl's! I love that store and it's great to get clothes for all of us post-op's on the cheap! You can find some EXCELLENT deals there for clothes. Actually, everything in there is very well priced. If you haven't been, GO! If you have been, you know what I mean. I get lots of my clothes there :)
The hubby picked me up from work and took me to Joe's Crab Shack! I'd never been before and it turned out WONDERFUL! A little expensive for my likings, but good food. The server was great to! BIG PLUS in my book. Here's my pic in front of the "Crab Shack"!!
I had been craving crab legs for a couple weeks. Hence, the reason the hubby decided to bring me here. He heard that theirs were really good. He thought I'd like that. Again, how did I get so lucky to find a man like him? My love... ALWAYS striving to give me the best. Gotta love him! Especially since he hates all forms of seafood. He "dealt" with it because he know that's what I wanted. What a guy. I think he's a keeper!

I ordered a variety of crab legs. I've only ever had snow crab but decided that I'd be a little more open with my foods. All of you post-op's know that your taste buds really to change after surgery! Give things a 2nd try if you didn't like them pre-op. Here's a picture of the 3 claws I tried. Dungeness Crab, Snow Crab and King Crab. There's also corn on the cob and some small red potatoes. As a post-op, I DO NOT eat potatoes, so they went to waste. I will occassionally have corn on the cob, but very rarely. Not a good post-op eat in my opinion. On a rare basis is ok, but not a regular eat for me :)
So, crab is a VERY good source of protein for the post-op's out there. It's easy to digest and a good for you. It is packed with the "good" fats you need too! If you're one that can eat shell fish and like it, I highly recommend this! YUMMY! The hubby had to wait for me to get done. This is definitely not something you can eat in just the allotted 20 minutes that they tell you for mealtime. Cracking the shells take that long! The little thing they give you for helping with the shell cracking was cute. It said "Stolen from Joe's Crab Shack"! Funny that they encourage you to take it! I guess that plays a roll into why the prices are so high there! LOL! J/K
The hubby had a steak with some cheesy potatoes. He let me have a bite and it was really good. He was done eating long before I was, but sat patiently waiting and handing me napkins as I needed them! I tell ya, he's always there for me. Always looking out. I love this man!
After I was done eating, the server & "crew" came over to sing happy birthday to me. You know how they are so LOUD when they sing! They told me that every time they pointed at me I would have to yell "I have hard shelled crabs". It was pretty embarrasing dressed up in my bib and yelling that I have crabs! David snapped a few pics of that. Not very flattering, but a great memory for sure!
After lunch we went and walked through the mall to get some of those caleries off of us! The hubby found some good deals on some clothes for him. I found some cute flip-flops and just enjoyed walking around. Around 4:00 we decided to get a little dessert. I don't usually do dessert, but it was my bday! We had sugar-free gelato (Italian Ice Cream). I love this stuff!! It's much better for you than Ice Cream and yogurt. Try it!
After this little snack, we decided to come home. Our friends, Suzannah & Chris stopped by to say hi and wish me a Happy Birthday. What does one do without friends and a great husband! What a great and relaxing day I had. It was nice not having to worry with a party, entertaining a bunch of people and the prepping for all of that stuff. It was easy going and extremely ejoyable! Thanks to everyone for the happy bday wishes!

Lastly, I must say that I'm now down 100lbs! WOOO HOOO! Size 22/24 to a 12/14 now. Happy to be about 1/2 my original size! I'm on the verge of being more or less a size 12, but they're still a little tight for my likings. Soon, baby. SOON! That's why my DJ always says :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

MY Rollercoaster Ride


Hey all. It's been a while since I've written and I'm sorry. My emotions have been haywire lately and I've taken some much needed time to "think" about my NEW LIFE. Since having my guts re-arranged, I've had no problems adjusting to the new me. Eating, drinking, vitamins, etc... It's all been pretty easy for me. Until the last couple of weeks... Here's some things that have been fretting over!

One: I didn't go through any kind of sad, feel sorry for me, post-op buyers remorse or anything like that. I was so excited at how the weight was falling off that I remained happy and content with everything I had done. The work up to getting the surgery was the hardest part. My mom and I found a sidewalk sale of clothes one day right before I was scheduled to have surgery. I looked and found clothes for $1, $2, $3, etc... But, I couldn't buy them. You see, for me I just could not imagine myself thinner. I have always seen myself as "fat" (that's the "F" word in my house!) and couldn't justify buying these clothes not knowing for certain that I'd be THAT size. So, I put them all back. My mom assured me that I would lose the weight and it wouldn't be long before I was in these smaller sizes. I couldn't do it though. That was the first hurdle I jumped.

Two: After getting past being able to buy clothes for myself that were smaller, I experienced some other emotions. People are starting to notice the changes. They don't necessarily notice that I've lost weight, but that something has changed. Lots of them asked, "Did you do something different with your hair?" or "Have you been tanning or do something different with your make-up?" I'd simply say no and change the subject. When the first person said, "WOW! You look great! How much weight have you lost?" My face turned beat red and I started to sweat! I could feel my heart pounding in my chest! I'd never been given attention or been complimented on my looks because I've always been challenged with being over weight. I had to say the amount of pounds and then the next question comes, "How did you do it?" Now, this is where it got REALLY hard for me. I didn't want to be open with my RNY surgery. I kept it a secret from just about everyone in my life. My dad, step-mom, aunt, grandma, cousins, etc... I didn't want anyone to know except my best friends, mom and co-worker/boss. That's it. So, I'd simply answer, "Proportions, exercise and making the right food choices." That IS the truth. And that's what I still say to this day. I just can't tell people that I've had the surgery! How is it that I can sit here online and blog about my adventures with the surgery, but in person, I just CANNOT tell people what I've done?! Doesn't make sense and I am having a hard time accepting that of myself. Why should it be so hard? Is it because I'm afraid people will continue to judge me for having the surgery? Will people think less of my accomplishments because they think I took the "EASY WAY OUT?" GRRRR! It's NOT easy no matter what anyone says! Am I or am I not ready to be open with what I've done?? I can't answer that...

THREE: This is a psychological surgery (in my personal opinion). Being in the honeymoon stage for 7 months now, I need to remember that they operated on my stomach/intestines, not my head. I and only I have to stay on track and make the right decisions. I've noticed that no matter what I've eaten these last 7 months, I've lost weight. It WON'T stay like this. I have to remember to make the right choices. This surgery is a tool to help and WILL work if you make the right choices with what you eat. MAKE sure to get all of your protein intake and get on a exercise regimine. It's an absolute MUST to work out and continue to eat healthy. Find the foods that are loaded with protein and all your good vitamins that you enjoy eating. There are SO many great recipes out there that have been life saving for me and kept me away from eating the "wrong thing". Stay on track! Get in touch with fellow WLS patients and support groups. Do a recipe exchange or set up a pot luck with a bunch of yummy, post-op friendly dishes.

Check out these websites:

Remember, protein first with veggies & fruit! You can make yummy deserts with protein powders too. Be creative! If anyone has any recipes they'd like to share, I'm ALL ears!

Keep your focus on your own journey!